
Promote a culture of feedback and learning with the help of kudos and peer to peer feedback.

Career and succession

Motivate your employees by designing their career paths. Support them in gaining the necessary new skills and experience, and increase engagement.


Preserve the trend of continuous employee training and improve the company’s flexibility on the market with the help of an experienced team.


Properly reward your personnel and, with overview over the rewarding system, underline the motivation for successfully accomplished tasks.

Performance management

Encourage the success of individuals, teams and the entire company, and develop the desired internal culture.


A positive experience of onboarding to work will help to the fact that an employee will sooner become efficient and this will increase commitment.


Quickly discover new talents and prepare a successful recruitment strategy based on past analytics.

Personnel records

Have an overview over the data in one place and in real time, and shorten the time to carry out administrative processes.


S pomočjo pohvalnic (Kudosov) in povratne informacije sodelavcev (Peer to Peer feedback) v podjetju spodbujajte kulturo povratne informacije.

Kariera in nasledstva

Z načrtnim razvijanjem kompetenc zaposlenih spodbujajte njihov potencial in tako gradite ekipo za izzive prihodnosti.